Academic Integrity Policy

At APA Style Solutions, we are rigorous about academic integrity, and firm in our commitment to the scholarly practices and ideals of higher education and research. As a result, we hold ourselves to high professional standards in our services, and our clients to the same high standards regarding the integrity of academic authorship. We strictly maintain the following policies for all of our clients:

Regarding Writing

The purpose of APA Style Solutions is to provide editorial support. We offer numerous services to assist our clients throughout all stages of their academic writing process. What we are not is a writing company, and we consequently never compose written material for academic clients. Not only would this contravene our commitment to academic integrity, but it could also expose our clients to negative academic and professional consequences. To ensure our firm’s ethical standing and to promote our clients’ success, we are committed to avoiding such situations. Our expert editors are happy to edit a client’s text for clarity, scholarly tone, structure, flow, and writing issues like grammar, spelling, or APA formatting. They can also provide support / consultation at early stages in the writing process, and produce detailed critical feedback on a document’s argument, structure, and organization. But they will never write academic text on behalf of our clients. 

Regarding Plagiarism

In every service order we send a client, we include the following statement: “Since we take academic integrity very seriously, we cannot edit passages of text that have been plagiarized from other sources.” As well as overt and purposeful incidences of plagiarism (trying to pass another’s work off as one’s own, or hiring a writer to produce text one claims to have written), failing to accurately cite outside sources using appropriate quotation marks, in-text citations, or references can also constitute plagiarism. While we know that the vast majority of our clients share our sense of academic integrity, we do identify incidences of plagiarism during the course of our work. When that happens, our firm policy is to immediately stop the order in question and cease working with that client until and unless we receive evidence that the situation has been remedied.