Our Policies

  1. How much can I get out of a single order?
    1. When we have finished editing and/or formatting your document per APA 7th edition (and/or your requested style guide), additional revisions or review of your text will be treated as a separate order. For instance:
    2. You may wish to make changes or add additional content in response to our comments or feedback from your peers/instructors, and send an updated version of your document to us for another editorial review. In this case, reviewing your added text or other changes will incur additional fees.
    3. Our fee to review changes to your previously edited text is based on the volume and extent of changes. When we return documents to our clients, we include the instruction to either highlight new text or use the change tracking feature in MS Word during the revision process; that way, we can easily provide a quote for editing the new material only. 
    4. On all statistics orders, we will ask you to confirm the tests you want us to run before we run them to ensure your satisfaction. If, later, you or your advisor wants to change your approach or run different or additional analyses, we are happy to assist you; but running those new tests would be considered a separate order with its own fees 
    5. Upon receipt of the new analysis or analyses, you may further wish to change or add variables in response to the results (or feedback you receive about the results from peers/instructors). In this case, we are happy to complete a second round of analysis. However, re-estimating your model, and/or adding more data, will incur additional fees as a separate order.
    6. Our fee to re-estimate the model or make changes to the estimation steps will be contingent upon the work required.
  2. What is your part in our work together?
    1. In order for us to target the new material and price the second round of edits, data analysis, etc., accurately, we require that you track (i.e., by using the track changes feature in MS Word) or otherwise highlight any and all revisions for clear and easy identification. When we return documents to you, we will remind you to track or highlight your changes as you revise your document; however, it is your responsibility to do so.
  3. What are ‘objective errors’?
    1. We ask that all our clients understand that no edit is 100% perfect. Indeed, even the United States Constitution is known to have had at least 13 glaring mistakes and many more less noticeable ones. While our editors are extremely meticulous, experienced, and careful, academic writing is as prone to editorial errors as any other written document, including the Constitution! Please note that finding a few minor errors in the document you receive from us does not mean the editor failed to do their job, particularly with highly technical styles of writing such as APA 7th edition. Therefore, we are grateful for clients who contact us promptly regarding concerns about minor oversights or miscommunications that may have created an error in their document, as customer satisfaction is extremely important to us.
    2. If you find multiple objective errors after our editing, then please contact us immediately and we will review and correct the errors. We are happy to fix them promptly, and with our apologies. If multiple objective errors remain in the edited file, we will bring in another editor to review your text and make the necessary adjustments.
    3. We offer refunds in very rare instances of emergency, wherein none of our editors are available to complete your order by a pre-established deadline, or an editor has failed to communicate something about your order that caused you irrevocable damage or setback.  
    4. Our statisticians are similarly meticulous, experienced, and careful. However, finding a few minor errors in tables or graphs, or typos in variable names, etc., does not mean the statistician has failed to do their job. While there should be very few errors, our statisticians are nevertheless as human as our editors and may, on occasion, make mistakes.
    5. Finding errors in the data sections of your document will not automatically qualify you for a refund. If you find errors in how the data was handled, we will make the corrections promptly to ensure your complete satisfaction with the work.
    6. If you find multiple objective errors with estimation equations, or the data that was included in the analysis, please contact us immediately and we will review and correct the errors promptly. Our goal is your complete satisfaction.
  4. How do we schedule consultations?
    1. We frequently include consultation sessions with editing and statistics orders. In order for your editor or statistician to effectively communicate with you, we ask that you accommodate the scheduling of your consultation within 7 business days of initial editing or data analysis order completion.
    2. Please let us know if you are unable to make your confirmed consultation time at least 24 hours in advance so that we can reschedule your session immediately without undue inconvenience to your editor or statistician.
    3. Likewise, if your consultant is for some reason unable to make your session time as planned, please call or text us immediately at (857) 355-8595 We will always work to reschedule your consultation as soon as possible. If at that point, you decide that you no longer need the consultation session, we can refund you the portion of your order.
  5. When is an order considered closed? 
    1. All orders are considered closed 30 days from the day we complete and return them to you for your review. There are no refunds after 30 days of silence or acceptance from you, regardless of which service we provided.
    2. We offer 30 days of review time for any materials or feedback we provide. Within this time, we welcome your follow-up questions or requests for additional revisions or adjustments. After 30 days, however, the order is closed and any follow-up questions, edits, or revisions will be treated as a new order with associated fees.
  6. What is APA Style Solutions’ statement on Academic Integrity?
    1. We never produce academic writing for our clients, because we take academic integrity extremely seriously. It is our pleasure to assist our clients with expressing their ideas as clearly as possible, but we never help clients produce ideas or compose writing on their behalf. As such, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a passing grade on a piece of writing, or that your research will meet the expectations of your university. However, we can guarantee that we will help improve upon your writing, offer feedback and suggestions on how to improve your argumentation, and provide you with tools such as expert-level APA style research assistance and statistical analysis that will accelerate your progress toward your academic goals. Please see our full statement on these issues here: Academic Integrity Policy.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Terms and Conditions
    1. Using this website and/or our services constitutes your agreement with the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, we ask that you do not use this website or avail of our services.
    2. When you submit an order or make a payment, you are agreeing that you have read and understand these terms and conditions. By submitting an order and/or payment, you are also confirming that you are legally bound by these terms and conditions, which form the entire agreement between you and APA Style Solutions.
    3. It is your obligation to read these Terms and Conditions as well as our editing and statistics policies listed above before submitting any order and/or payment to this website.
  2. Definitions
    1. APA Style Solutions: APA Style Solutions, LLC, located at 1 Mifflin Place, Suite 400, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
    2. Client: The legal person who solicits and/or contracts APA Style Solutions to provide services.
    3. Service(s): All services APA Style Solutions agrees to provide for a given Order.
    4. Order: The service package upon which APA Style Solutions and the Client mutually agree in accordance with the Service Proposal Email.
    5. Service Proposal Email: An email, composed by APA Style Solutions, which specifies the exact quote, turnaround time, parameters, and outline of services to be rendered within an Order. APA Style Solutions sends this Service Proposal Email to the Client in response to the Client’s solicitation of services. This email outlines the services and parameters for an Order and acts as the contract for that Order.
    6. Document(s): The document(s) provided to APA Style Solutions by the Client for assessment and services.
    7. Assessment: A review of the Client’s document(s) for the purposes of determining its service needs and developing a Service Proposal to meet those needs.
    8. Plagiarism: Plagiarism encompasses both: 1) overt and purposeful claims of authorship or the outsourcing of text composition to second-party labor; and 2) any pattern of failure to cite source material adequately by means of appropriate quotation marks, in-text citations, and references, even if inadvertent.
  3. Identity of APA Style Solutions, LLC
    1. Business address: 1 Mifflin Place, Suite 400, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
    2. Email: info@apa-editing.com
    3. Telephone number: +1 (857) 355-8595
    4. Commercial registration number: **
  4. Applicability
    1. These terms and conditions shall apply to any tender, offer, or agreement between APA Style Solutions and the Client.
    2. If, at any time, it occurs that one or more of the provisions set forth in these Terms and Conditions appears to be wholly or partially invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain fully applicable.
    3. If, at any time, it occurs that the interpretation of one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions appears unclear, an explanation that is “in the spirit” of these provisions shall apply. The same shall apply if, at any time, a situation arises that is not outlined in these terms and conditions.
    4. If APA Style Solutions is not in strict compliance with these terms and conditions, it does not mean that the provisions are invalid or that APA Style Solutions forfeits its right to otherwise demand adherence to them.
  5. Copyright & Personal Use
    1. The full copyright to the Products and other materials delivered to the Client is owned by the Client and the Client alone. The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless APA Style Solutions, LLC for any and all unauthorized uses you may make of any material made available to the Client by APA Style Solutions, LLC. Any unauthorized use of the delivered Products and/or content of this website may subject the Client to civil or criminal penalties.
  6. No Plagiarism
    1. APA Style Solutions does not condone, encourage, or take part in plagiarism or any other acts of academic fraud or dishonesty. We strongly adhere to and abide by all copyright laws and will not knowingly allow any Client to commit plagiarism or violate copyright laws.
    2. If plagiarism is discovered in a document during the editing process, our firm policy is to stop the order in question immediately and cease working with the Client until and unless we receive evidence that the situation has been remedied. 
    3. APA Style Solutions shall not be liable for any unethical, inappropriate, illegal, or otherwise wrongful use of the Products and/or other written material received from our Website. This includes plagiarism, lawsuits, poor grading, expulsion, academic probation, loss of scholarships/awards/grants/prizes/titles/positions, failure, suspension, or any other disciplinary or legal actions. The buyer of material from our Website is solely responsible for any and all disciplinary actions arising from the improper, unethical, and/or illegal use of the material.
  7. Links Disclaimer
    1. Although this website may be linked to other websites, We do not endorse, approve, certify, or sponsor the linked sites unless specifically stated therein. APA Style Solutions, LLC is not the owner of, does not control, and is not responsible for any content of any site linked to this website. Your linking to other websites from this website is at your own risk.
  8. Warranties
    1. By submitting the Order and/or payment, You acknowledge that you are in complete understanding and agreement with the statements above.
  9. Warranty Disclaimer
    1. The company makes no representations or warranties with regard to the Website or any materials therein, whether express or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement or any implied warranty arising out of course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade. In addition, the company makes no representation that the operation of the service or Website will be uninterrupted or error-free. The company will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors on the Website. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any opinion, advice, information, or other content provided in connection with the service or otherwise available through the Website. Please seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any such opinion, advice, information, or other content.
  10. Limitation of liability
    1. You agree to release and hold APA Style Solutions and its employees, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising, promotion and fulfillment agencies, any third-party providers, or sources of information or data and legal advisers (the “Company’s Affiliates”) harmless from any and all losses, damages, rights, claims, and actions of any kind arising from or related to the Products, including but not limited to: (a) telephone, electronic, hardware or software, network, Internet, email, or computer malfunctions, failures or difficulties of any kind; (b) failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmissions; (c) any condition caused by events beyond the control of the Company that may cause the Product to be delayed, disrupted, or corrupted; (d) any injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising in connection with or as a result of utilizing our services; or (e) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with our services. In addition, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold APA Style Solutions and Company’s Affiliates harmless from any claim, suit or demand, including attorney’s fees, made by a third party due to or arising out of your utilizing of our services, your violation or breach of these Terms and Conditions, your violation of any rights of a third party, or any other act or omission by you.
    2. In no event shall APA Style Solutions be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this website or any information provided on this web site. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
  11. Outline of Services
    1. The Outline of Services, which is contained in the Service Proposal Email, contains a complete and accurate description of the services being offered under an Order.
    2. The description will be detailed enough that the customer can properly assess it. The Client is solely responsible for assessing the Outline of Services they receive from APA Style Solutions, and shall request any clarification or revisions needed before placing the order and making payment.
  12. Placing an Order 
    1. An order shall be considered initiated once APA Style Solutions is in receipt of the required payment and all necessary project materials.
    2. Remittance of payment to initiate an order amounts to an acceptance of the Outline of Services. 
    3. APA Style Solutions will confirm the customer’s acceptance of the Outline of Services and receipt of the Client’s payment by electronic means.
  13. Modifying an Order
    1. If, during the execution of an order, it becomes evident that some form of alternation or supplementation of the Service Proposal is necessary, APA Style Solutions shall notify the Client and the Client will engage APA Style Solutions in discussions to negotiate and agree upon appropriate modifications to the order in a timely manner.
    2. If the Client makes a request to modify an order after its initiation, APA Style Solutions reserves the right to refuse the request without being in default of the order agreement or omitting anything therefrom.
  14. Order Turnaround 
    1. A standard turnaround estimate shall be provided to the Client in the Service Proposal Email. Standard turnaround times are to be considered estimates.
    2. The Client has the sole responsibility to inform APA Style Solutions in writing of any external deadlines. APA Style Solutions shall not be held responsible for deadlines the Client does not communicate to us, as outlined above.
    3. The Client shall allow that unexpected problems with an order or document may arise in the course of editing and may cause unforeseen delay in the execution of an order. 
    4. APA Style Solutions shall notify the client should any unexpected problems with an order, document, or materials arise in the course of editing and will inform the Client if those problems are likely to cause an unforeseen delay in the order’s execution. APA Style Solutions shall not be held responsible in such cases.
    5. The Client may request expedited service for any order. APA Style Solutions shall make every effort to accommodate requests for expedited service but reserves the right to refuse requests in accordance with feasibility of the request and availability of editorial staff to execute it.
    6. The Client shall pay a rush fee proportional to the expedited service requested. Deadlines for expedited service are guaranteed, barring unexpected technical problems with the Client’s materials.
    7. The Client is responsible for informing APA Style Solutions of all external deadlines and shall not request a deadline for expedited service that is less than 24 hours prior to any external deadlines.
  15. Liability
    1. APA Style Solutions’ liability is limited to what is stated in these provisions.
    2. APA Style Solutions shall not be held liable for damages of any kind that are caused by APA Style Solutions’ being provided incorrect and/or incomplete information by or on behalf of the Client.
    3. If APA Style Solutions is liable for any loss, its liability is limited to only the invoice value of the contract, at least for the portion of the order to which the liability relates.
    4. APA Style Solutions is not liable for any damage suffered by the Client in the event that APA Style Solutions rejects his/her order.
    5. APA Style Solutions cannot be held liable for consequences and potential damage to the Client in the event that it does not meet a deadline.
    6. APA Style Solutions cannot be held liable for failing to discover plagiarism in a Client’s materials.
    7. APA Style Solutions cannot be held liable for consequential damages, including those caused by the Client experiencing delays in or failing their academic program, or the customer’s document being failed by an academic institution.
    8. APA Style Solutions has and reserves the right to undo damage of the Client, if possible, and to the extent possible.
  16. Changes to the terms and conditions
    1. APA Style Solutions reserves the right to amend or supplement these terms and conditions at any time.